Achieving Your Promises
How to Reverse Your Circumstances and Realize Your Dreams

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The following recordings have been listened to for the past year since Oct. 2012 every single day and will continue until Jan 14th, 2014. These words of wisdom have been gathered by going to seminars all over the country through Peak Potentials with T. Harv Eker, David Wood, & Rob Riopel. These words are so powerful, inspiring, and will take you to the top! If you are a true Warrior that does do whatever it takes then you will listen to these wise words that have come from books like Don't Sweat the Small Stuff by Richard Carlson, PH. D., How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie, Life's Little Instruction Book by H. Jackson Brown, Jr., & The Power by Rhonda Byrne. Also words from other great motivational speakers like Keith Cunningham, Bob Proctor, Les Brown, John Gray, Patrick Snow, Bill Bartmann, and Joel Bauer are included.

Guarantee: These words will make you a stronger, more dedicated, persistent, calm, loving, caring, humble, and peaceful person. You will find value to benefit you on your journey in life from these words. If you follow these principles, these words will make your life extraordinary. They will make a light bulb go off in your head and give you a good idea, put a huge smile on your face, you will hear something you can relate to and you'll agree, or they will give you the chills after your hear the statement. These words are extremely powerful! You will begin to see more people smiling at you and coming to you for solutions.

Clicking on the links below will load the mp3 file for playing - please allow 45 seconds (or more depending on your computer) for processing - thank you!

Dale Carnegie And Harv Eker

Don't Sweat The Small Stuff by Richard Carlson

Life's Little Instruction Book by H. Jackson Brown

The End

The Power by Rhonda Byrne


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No part of this site may be copied, published or redistributed in any form without written permission from Timothy Ryan Patton.